Introduction to Branding Posts

When naming a company, there's obviously much to consider. Does one use their own name? Their co-founder's? Their hometown? Develop a new name or new word? How many syllables? It's almost impossible not to be influenced by the brands one likes and adopt some feature or characteristics of the existing brand. Perhaps that will appropriate some good will to your brand among other like-minded consumers as yourself. Not a bad strategy...

This blog post will serve as the first of many aimed at branding trends and critique. There's a lot of thought out there as to what brand is in its entirety, but some things are undeniable: name, logo, and messaging contribute to brand. Period. Within the American-made, handmade, maker, craftsman, etc. market, new companies arise everyday. There's some rotten trends, mimicry, and lack of creativity with branding, however, and these posts will serve to critique some of the trends and brands with the aim of inspiring greater ingenuity and intentionality by pointing out what's being accepted in the current status quo.

Things you can expect include critiques on varying topics from logos, names, web design, messaging, products, and purpose, all aimed at helping folks find the very best brands and connect with them in a more human way as consumers.

Michael Moran